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EDGE Toolkit

The world is incredibly diverse, but navigating the complexities of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) can be challenging, especially for minority groups who face significant hurdles.

Get The Edge


The Equity Development Growth Employment Toolkit Journey aims to:
  • Empower individuals to circumvent hurdles and deal with challenges they may face.

    Educate together core concepts of EDI Allyship to benefit of all of society.

    Equip individuals with the tools and knowledge to enable inclusive environment.

    Encourage individual ongoing reflection, growth, and active participation in EDI initiatives.

The Edge Toolkit supports inclusive employment in engineering, computing, design, and technology, enhancing diversity and authentic voices in the workplace.

Diversity Matters: The toolkit emphasizes that diverse voices enrich the workplace, offering unique perspectives that drive innovation and creativity.
Empowering Students: By focusing on technical students, the toolkit equips them with the skills and confidence to navigate their career paths successfully.
Encouraging Authenticity: Bringing your authentic voice to work fosters an environment of trust and openness, leading to stronger team dynamics.
Role of Allies: Supporting individuals from minority backgrounds (female, LGBTQ, disabled, mature, low economics social economic student, global majority) not only aids their success but enriches the workplace culture for everyone involved.
Business Impact: Companies that prioritize equity and inclusion see improved employee retention and higher morale, translating into better performance metrics.
Better Solutions: Diverse teams in engineering and technology are proven to develop more effective solutions, addressing a wider range of needs and challenges.
Societal Benefits: Promoting equity and inclusion not only benefits organizations but also contributes to a more just and equitable society overall.